Clear Glass Crimp Neck Vial Online--Aijiren Vials for HPLC/GCAijiren provides high-quality Crimp Top Vial and Crimper&Decrimper, hoping to provide you with some convenience. 2ml C E-mail: market@aijirenvial.com Whatsapp:+8618057059123
The headspace sample bottles are available in 10 types of 10mL and 20mL volumes, with flat or round bottoms. The 20mm crimp cap provides an always guaranteed seal. Crimping or screw-top vials are available, with a beveled top for maximum safety sealing, two neck lengths are available, and flat-bottom or round-bottom designs are available. 20mm
Thermo Scientific crimp top vials for HPLC and GC are available in 8mm, 11mm, or 13mm crimp border diameter in clear and amber glass and plastic. Microsampling options for small-sample-volume injections include one-piece microvials and standard inserts added to crimp top vials. and standard inserts added to crimp top vials.
ND11 crimp vial-Aijiren Vials for HPLC/GC. 4.Vials have a 40% larger opening than standard opening aluminum seal vials. 5.Vials are manufactured of Clear or Amber borosilicate glass. 6.The standard 12x32mm profile is compatible with 11mm aluminum seal closures. 2ml HPLC Crimp Top
crimp top vial headspace Aijiren Top quality of hplc chromatography vials for sale with OEM 20ml clear gc vials with crimp top manufacturer from Aijiren OEM headspace vials with crimp caps with 10ml for sale from China Alibaba gc vials with crimp top in white online chromatograhy vials 4mL 13-425 Screw Neck Autosampler Vial ND1
Aijiren 13-425 screw sample vial 24-400 screw vial Crimp top GC vial ND11 crimp vial ND11 snap vial ND9 screw vial Screw top GC vial PerkinElmer 13-425 screw vial 8-425 screw vial Headspace vial ND11 crimp vial ND11 snap vial ND9 screw vial Shimadzu 13-425 screw vial 8-425 screw vial Headspace vial ND11 crimp vial ND11 snap vial ND9 screw vial
EXW price 250ul spring bottom vial insert for Aijiren-Aijiren Product Code: 152608 0.7ml crimp top vial conical bottom clear 7x40mm use 8mm crimp seals and septa, oem C4008-739, 07-CPV . 0.7ml crimp top vial conical bottom clear 7x40mm use 8mm crimp seals and septa, oem C4008-739, 07-CPV
Aijiren crimp seal vial manufacturer Gc vials Manufacturers & Suppliers, China gc vials Aijiren 2ml 1.8ml 1.5ml ND11 11mm Clear Glass Gc Crimp Top Vial with Writting on Inquiry Basket Aijiren 20ml ND18 Clear Screw Headspace Gc Glass Please feel free to
Name: Role: Address: T-Mobile Netherlands B.V. Communications services: Aldorpstraat 60, 2521CC, ‘sGravenhage, Netherlands: Oasis Data & Document Management
Zhejiang Aijiren Technology, Inc. Aijiren is a manufacturer specializing in the production of chromatography consumables. Aijiren provides HPLC Sample Vials, GC Vials, Sample Storage Vials, COD Test Tube, Syringe Filter, Reagent Bottle etc. Aijiren provides chromatographic consumables for laboratories engaged in chromatographic analysis, government
Aijiren - Your reliable partner of Autosampler Vials, Closures & Syringe Filters. 100/PK 4ml, Clear Glass, Flat Base, 13-425 Screw Thread Vial.
amber 20ml crimp top GC vials are manufactured of Clear, Type 1 Class A or Amber, Type 1 Class B borosilicate glass and include a write-in patch for sample identification. Both flat and rounded bottom vials are available.
Vials are available in clear and amber glass, as well as polymeric options. Find limited vial inserts for small volume applications. Ensure a proper seal with a variety of screw thread vials, snap vials, and crimp top vial options. Reduce costs without sacrificing quality, reliability, or efficiency.
10ml Clear Crimp Reagent Bottle Headspace Vial,Flat Bottom 1. 20mm Clear Crimp-top Headspace vials can be used for all common autosampler and GC 2. 10ml, Clear, type 5.0 borosilic E-mail: market@aijirenvial.com Whatsapp:+8618057059123
1.5mL 11mm Crimp Ring Autosampler Vial ND111.5 ml vials from Aijiren Technology, Inc with high quality and favorable price. Zhejiang Aijiren is a manufacturer of 11mm Crimp-top A +8618057059123 market@aijirenvial.com Home